Doubling sales through rapid interventions
The Challenge
Poor sales volumes at some developments in each region of the UK
Despite clear performance issues, few remedial actions in place
Incorrect pricing, leading to high discount levels being demanded
Best-practice sales approach being disregarded
A mature home developer was experiencing variable sales performance levels across its portfolio. At the worst sites, there had only been a handful of sales in the past few months, with those commanding significant discounts to list prices. Despite this, regional leaders were unable to clearly articulate what actions had been taken to improve performance, and how to prevent this from happening in the future. An immediate and sustainable intervention was needed.
The Results
Customer databases, visits and reservations doubled during the project
Previously slow-selling sites exceeded regional average sales levels
New rapid intervention approach formalised and embedded
Data-centric approach in place to identifying issues ahead of time
sales doubled at slow-selling sites
Arca Blanca was asked to turn around the performance of several slow-selling sites, spread across the country. Our work was fast, hands-on and pragmatic: looking at every element of the customer experience journey and the marketing strategy. We launched site-specific intervention activities, ruthlessly ensuring that these were executed. In parallel, we introduced a new rapid intervention approach which is now used in every region to prevent the issue from recurring.
Arca Blanca turned a complex problem into manageable chunks, teaching us the value of working in a more agile way to deliver faster results. From a standing start, we now have a new nationwide intervention approach up and running.
CEO, UK Property Developer